We use a Volunteer Signup website to choose volunteer opportunities. To view openings for the current season visit the Volunteer Signup website below.

- SSC Volunteer Program requires every registered player family to volunteer 2 hours in your area of choice during the registered season or choose not to volunteer and not receive the $20 credit. The volunteer fee is included in the registration. After volunteering 2 hours during the season the volunteer fee is emailed to the volunteer to use in an upcoming season.
- At the end of the season and completion of volunteer hours, the registration account holder will receive a discount code through email from [email protected] to use on an upcoming season registration. The discount code can be entered on the SSC registration checkout page.
- Make sure to sign in when you arrive for your volunteer hour and sign out when done to receive credit.
- A person can volunteer and complete more than 2 hours. They will receive $10 credit for each additional volunteer hour.
- Discount Code can be used for any Susquehanna SC registration.
- Discount Code can be transferred from one person to another, but cannot be used multiple times.
- Discount Code cannot be exchanged for cash or a refund.
1. Referee - volunteer to help referee games. Tasks are:
-Stop play for fouls, injuries, goals and when the ball goes out of bounds.
-Keep time and score for the game.
2. Game Day Setup - volunteer to help setup fields. Tasks are:
-Place goals at the end of the fields.
-Line the fields with cones.
-Place benches on the side of the fields.
3. Game Day Cleanup - volunteer to help cleanup fields. Tasks are:
-Remove player benches and cones from fields.
-Return goals to the corner off the field.
-Cleanup any items left behind and trash off the field.
4. Head Coach - receive full registration credit. Tasks are:
-Provide copies of clearances.
-Coach team at practices and games.
-Assist trainer at division practices.
5. Assistant Coach - receive $20 credit. Tasks are:
-Provide copies of clearances.
-Assist Head Coach at practices and games.
-Assist trainer at division practices.
6. Team Manager - receive $20 credit. Tasks are:
-Create and organize a game snack signup.
-Assist Head Coach at practices and games.
-Assist in preparing for practices and games by emailing team and keeping attendance count.
1. Game Day Setup @ Veterans Park - volunteer to help get fields and parking lot ready. Tasks are:
-Setup cones in no parking areas.
-Make sure goals are in the proper area on the field with sandbags on the back legs.
-Place 2 benches at each field.
-Remove any debris from field like sticks, rocks or trash.
-Put banners and flags up in soccer complex.
-Sweep out bathrooms and stock toilet paper in them.
2. Snackbar Helper @ Veterans Park - volunteer to help run the snackbar. Tasks are:
-Sell food, drinks and snacks to customers.
-Collect money and give change to customers.
-Use microwave and other food appliances to prepare food.
-Make notes of items that are soldout.
-Stock bathrooms with toilet paper.
-Sweep floors and wipe down counters and appliances before leaving.
3. Game Day Cleanup @ Veterans Park - volunteer to help cleanup fields and parking lot. Tasks are:
-Empty trash cans and throw trash bags in dumpster.
-Replace trash cans with new bags.
-Clean up trash on fields.
-Put items left behind in Lost and Found box.
-Remove cones from parking lot.
-Remove player benches and flags from fields.
4. Head Coach - receive full registration credit. Tasks are:
-Provide copies of clearances.
-Coach team at practices and games.
-Assist trainer at division practices.
-Schedule 1 additional practice per week.
5. Assistant Coach - receive $20 credit. Tasks are:
-Provide copies of clearances.
-Assist Head Coach at practices and games.
-Assist trainer at division practices.
6. Team Manager - receive $20 credit. Tasks are:
-Create and organize a game snack signup.
-Assist Head Coach at practices and games.
-Assist in preparing for practices and games by emailing team and keeping attendance count.
7. Uniform Distribution @ Veterans Park - volunteer to help organize and pass out player uniforms. Task are:
-Organize the jersey, shorts, and socks in the clubhouse.
-Use uniform list to identify team and player requesting uniform.
-Check them off the list when a uniform is given.
-Note any uniform items that were not available.